Speaking Topics
You Are A Supernatural Hero
As a child of God, you have the supernatural edge that uniquely empowers you from the inside out to dominate circumstances. You are a real Supernatural Hero that can cause circumstances to change by activating your inner reservoir of divine power.In this presentation, Karen KG Gardner will help you and your audience:
Understand your supernatural identity and how it positions you to reframe and transcend life’s challenges with one word.
Navigate the spiritual realm to obtain breakthroughs using ancient prayer secrets that are proven.
Activate and maintain a winning attitude that will always cause you to triumph.
After hearing and activating the principles and strategies in this presentation, you will view circumstances for what they are – opportunities to operate at a higher dimension of dominion and power.
Getting Results Through Prayer
Prayer is the most powerful force on earth because it brings change. However, many do not take the time to understand this wonderful supernatural gift that God has given to every believer to stay on top of circumstances.
In this presentation, Karen KG Gardner will help you and your audience:
Understand the power of prayer in a way that will deepen your intimacy with God and position you to receive divine downloads of wisdom, ideas and breakthroughs to fulfill your destiny.
Shift your mindset from disappointment, discouragement and despair to victory with one simple, proven prayer strategy.
Leverage prayer as a spiritual resource so you manage your mind, will, emotions and body in a healthy way.
Discover the arsenal of spiritual weapons always at your disposal ready to help you solve every problem.
Your soul will be refreshed, revived and recharged to handle whatever surprises life will bring your way when you learn how to pray and get results.
Make Adversity Work For You
You are stronger than you know if you are a child of God. Just like a bodybuilder cannot build muscle without resistance, you cannot build faith without overcoming adversities. Successful people handle adversity differently than most. They make it work for them. In this presentation, Karen KG Gardner will help you and your audience:
Appreciate the gift of adversity and how it will strengthen your faith muscle.
Reframe adversity by activating the mind of Christ and shift from negative to positive energy.
Learn steps to outlast adversity and make it work in your favor.
You already have everything inside of you that you need to leverage adversity and come back stronger and better.
Thinking Like A Winner
How do you change the way you have been thinking when it is no longer working for you? Scientific studies prove successful people think, speak and act differently than the average person. In this presentation, Karen KG Gardner will help you and your audience:
Identify and replace “stinking thinking” with “superpower thinking.”
Use biblical meditation to transform your mind and rule your world.
Reprogram your mind with God’s Word, so you continually attract success, not failure.
Karen will share biblical principles, stories from her own life and activate you to think like a winner that gets results.
No Fear Here!
Are you tired of fear holding you back? Are you ready to seize your destiny instead of just dreaming about it? If you said “yes, this is your season to shift from fear to love to faith and dominate circumstances. In this presentation, Karen KG Gardner will help you and your audience:
Identify the roots of fear and pull them out of your mind.
Cast out fearful thoughts and renew your mind so you can sleep at night.
Learn prayer strategies that preserve your peace when you’re in the middle of a storm.
Karen will show you how to recognize and activate you to keep fear out, so you have perpetual peace of mind. This presentation will offer hands-on exercises to equip you to set yourself free from fear so you can live a joyful, productive, destiny-driven life.