7 Tips To Stay Positive When Business Isn't Blooming
What do you do when it seems like business isn't manifesting as fast as you'd like and cash flow is slow?
First, I resist worry so I remain open to receive creative ideas and to attract abundant clients.
Business building takes faith, patience and passion for why you do what you do for your Ideal Client.
You may have to pick up a part-time gig or do consulting as you continue to build your business.
I have learned to be flexible and open to attract success into my life that may not look exactly as I have imagined it in its embryonic state.
Here are some things I do to keep my head-talk positive when business is
slower than I'd like:
1) Refocus on my "why" to maintain my passion for doing my daily activities that drive results.
2) Daily review my goals and confess my affirmations to keep my mind focused on generating results.
3) Pray to God/Spirit/Source and thank and praise and worship Him for all my blessings, which releases joy, strength & endorphins.
Often it is in God's Presence where I get downloads, ideas, insights and strategies that I must execute to reap a harvest. God is the Quintessential CEO because He knows all things!
4) Connect with my hubby, coach, peers or my mentor to spark new ideas and for encouragement and support.
5) Go for a run or a walk to clear my mind - exercise releases endorphins that cuts stress and helps me relax so I can see straight.
6) Take a power nap if I'm tired to reenergize me to go to work.
7) Read a chapter of Psalms or Proverbs from my Bible to refresh and refire my soul.
Ultimately I know that since God/Spirit/Source gave me the vision to start my business, then He has already provided the clients and everything else I need to successfully do it.
My job is to diligently work in and on my business and ignore the inevitable bumps in the road as I trust God to give me His grace to do what I cannot on my own.
One of my favorite scriptures that I meditate to keep my head-talk or mindset straight is Philippians 4:13, which says, "You can do all things in Christ Jesus that strengthens you!
If you're struggling with mindset gremlins, I'd like to offer you a complimentary 45-minute call to get back on track. Click to set up your call now.
Finally, share ways you keep your head-talk straight when business is slow?